Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Matter of Life and Death

Life is fragile, yet most people avoid thinking and talking about death. But a new study shows that people in Singapore are now willing to break that great silence. A new Lien Foundation survey, released yesterday (3 April 2009), shows that more Singaporeans are now comfortable talking about death and dying.

The first large-scale survey on death and attitude to dying here polled 800 people aged between 25 and 59. The street surveys were conducted in October last year and this January.

Key findings
- About 60% polled say they are comfortable talking about their own death. Roughly the same proportions also say they are uncomfortable discussing death with the terminally ill.

- Younger people are more comfortable talking about their own death than older people (40-59 years). The latter are more comfortable talking to terminally ill.

- The more educated a person is, the more comfortable he is talking about death.

- Major ethnic groups (Chinese, Malays, Indians) are less comfortable talking death than minority races like Caucasians.

- Free-thinkers have the same comfort levels talking about death as compared to those with a religion.

- Single are more comfortable with talking about their own death, while the windowed are least comfortable.

- About 6% say there is no such things as dying well, or that it is not important, or have no idea what it means.

Top three wishes about dying
- 72% to be free from pain
- 71% to be surrounded by people I love
- 68% to be conscious and able to communicate

Top three fears about dying
1. being a burden to family and friends
2. medical costs
3. pain

Priorities and regrets
What is your top priority in life?
- 70% - family
Top regret at death
- Not spending enough time with loved ones.

Pre-death arrangements
- 25% told someone about preference for burial, cremation or having ashes scattered in the sea.
- 20% drawn up a will.
- 15% made arrangement for funeral.

On hospice care for the terminally ill
Do you know that hospices provide a place of care?
- 80% yes.

Do you know that hospices provide day care and home care?
- 50% yes

How do you describe the level of care for the terminally ill in Singapore?
- 45% do not know enough
- 30% good or very good
- 20% average or poor

Are you open to the idea of being in a hospice?
- 80% no, unsure or only as a last resort.
Top reason: Do not want to waste the final moments of my life in a hospice
- 20% yes.
Top reason: To receive adequate care

What does dying well mean to you?
Physical – painless death
· Dying quickly
· Dying in my sleep
· Dying at an old age/naturally

· No regrets
· Dying happily
· Dying peacefully/without worry

· Knowing all affairs are settled
· Having led a meaningful/fulfilling life
· To have accomplished my dreams/wishes/desires/goals

What would you do if you had only six months to live?
1. Spend time with loved ones.
2. Travel
3. Live life to the fullest
4. Enjoy
5. Stop working
6. Indulge in material/physical pleasures-food, drink, clubbing or sex
7. Live life as usual
8. Be spiritual, pray, become a monk, read the bible
9. Stay at home
10. Spend all money/Give back to society-donate to charity, do volunteer work


以上的报告,是刊登在周六的The Straits Times。我想与更多的朋友分享这份报道,也觉得我们必须依照上面的问卷,至少让自己的心中留下一份答案。因此特地抄写在我的部落格。


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